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2 項商品
2 項商品
【2023 Mid Autumn - Selected Homemade Cookie (Box Set)】
Phoenix Sweets creates the most lovable seasonal gift for you. Here is our 2023 Mid Autumn Selected Homemade Cookie Box Set.
Selected Homemade Cookie (Japanese Sweet Potato/Matcha/Hojicha) (3pc for each flavour, individually packed). Total 9pc in each box.
- Delicious and natural cookies baked in our own kitchen with the most premium ingredients, Marukyu Koyamaen Matcha from Uji, Japan, Japanese Sweet Potato Powder and Hojicha powder from Japan
- 100% natural, no artificial colorings, flavorings or preservatives
Please note that as the colour is hand mixed, it is very likely that the assortment of dried flowers, colour and outlook of the cookie vary slightly from the reference photo. The product photo in this online store is for reference only.
Order is subject to availability and on first come first serve basis.
Expiry Date
- The sweets are best consumed within 1 month from pick up.
Pick-up and Delivery Arrangement
- For general information such as pick up and delivery arrangement, please refer to: https://shop.phoenixsweets.com/pages/faq
Bulk Order
- For bulk order over 20 boxes, you may email us at order@phoenixsweets.com with tentative pick up date to enquire bulk discount rate.
【自家製作曲奇禮盒 】
Phoenix Sweets用精細的手工,為你重要的人製作最好的節日禮物。自家製作的曲奇 (紫薯/朱古力/芝麻) (每款口味約140克裝,約12-14塊)
- 好味無添加的曲奇,選用法國牛油,日本無漂白麵粉,是我們自家廚房的用心出品
- 100%天然,沒有人造色素、調味或防腐劑
一般資料及訂購條款,請參閱: https://shop.phoenixsweets.com/pages/faq
- 請在取餅後一個月內食用。
- 一般資料如取餅安排及訂購條款,請參閱: https://shop.phoenixsweets.com/pages/faq
- 如訂購超過20盒,可以連同取餅日期電郵 order@phoenixsweets.com 查詢大量訂購折扣。
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