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【Phoenix Sweets - 性別揭曉蛋糕 Gender Reveal Cake】


【Phoenix Sweets - 性別揭曉蛋糕 Gender Reveal Cake】

on Jan 26, 2021
【Phoenix Sweets - Hello Baby 性別揭曉蛋糕】 It's a girl or boy? 分享迎接新生命的喜悅,我們可以特別為揭曉小寶寶性別揭曉(Gender Reveal)派對及Baby Shower Party製作蛋糕。 你可以安排將小寶寶的性別預先通知我們(將報告傳送給我們或讓親友轉告我們亦可),讓我們為你製作這個別具意義的驚喜蛋糕! 如果你希望我們製作性別揭曉(Gender Reveal) 蛋糕,我們會按照小寶寶的性別,用食用色素製作淺粉藍或粉紅的雲尼拿口味蛋糕。 派對上一切開, 便驚喜地揭曉寶寶性別! 現時可以免費將網上商店的款式升級作Gender Reveal Cake! 在訂購時在Remarks一欄輸入Gender Reveal Cake Upgrade便可。 Simple and sweet! We can make a lovely cake for your Gender Reveal Party and Baby Shower Party. You can let us know the gender of the baby in advance (either send the report of the baby to us or inform us in other ways) and we will prepare the surprise cake for you! The cake colour will reveal the gender of the baby. We are offering free upgrade of cake designs listed on the online store to a Gender Reveal Cake.  Simply input "Gender Reveal Cake Upgrade" to the Remarks field when you place order. By Phoenix Sweets, Hong Kong ————————— *Food Factory Licence No: 2963804620 *Shop: Tai Kwun, Central *For enquiry: email *Online store: